Support Center

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How do I pay for my purchase with my credit card or bank card?

Here are the steps to pay for the product with your bank card/credit card:

1) Click Buy Now on the product page of our website and it will take you to the purchase page.

2) Check the list to make sure that you have selected the items that you want.
Note: Backup CD Service or Download Protection Service is provided by the payment platform MyCommerce. They can help you get a copy of your product if you need it again in the case of a computer crash, loss of the software, virus, etc. This service is offered and charged by MyCommerce, our payment platform partner. They will retain a copy of your download for about one year, and this is an optional fee that can be cancelled at checkout.

3) And then you will be lead to fill in your card information, and have on-screen instructions to complete the order.
If you encounter any issues about the payment process, contact the payment platform or contact us for further assistance.